Wednesday, October 3, 2012

My Healthy Hair Challenge to You

So, the napptural/natural blog community is ironically small and we often overlap one another in content and subject matter. With that being said, I've seen a ton of articles, YouTube Videos, and testimonials about the benefits of certain "hair growth potions" (Monistat 7, Jamaican Black Castor Oil, Cayenne Pepper/Hot Sauce); the list goes on and on. I beg you all to ignore these unorthodox and sometimes just down right ridiculous "potions"! There is no magic way to make your hair grow faster or longer! Your hair is growing every moment. It is constantly alive and growing. The difference between people with long hair and those with short hair is simply length retention. You hair needs love and TLC. Over brushing, over handling, and even over conditioning can all lead to damage and, potentially, breakage. So, instead of buying into the "flavor of the month" hair "potions" for growth and retention, I challenge you to grow your hair the natural way, the healthy way. To learn more and to join the challenge click here.

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