Friday, October 24, 2014

Blow Out Day!

Okay, so at the moment I'm rocking my go-to protective style......two strand twists. I did them on lightly stretched hair and they've served me incredibly well throughout the past week or so.....but.....I'm kinda feel the 4c nappturalista girl blues about my shrinkage and I've decided to give my fro one last weekend in the wind before I pack my coils back up for fall and winter. So, I'm doing a blowout today!

Now, I know, I know, I know....before you lead me to the "no heat" Gods for slaughter, I decided loooooooooooooong ago to avoid heat when it comes to my hair. However, my anniversary is coming up this Monday with my love and I decided it was high time he got the chance to see my hair in all it's glory. He loves my natural kinks and coils and has never once asked me to straighten it (he's a dread head, so he understands), but I really want to do something special to my kinks in honor of him having tolerated me and my hair melt downs for the past year. (Yes, I suffer from the occasional "Why couldn't I have been a 3b - 4b?!" days. They're far and few but they do happen)

So, I've decided that a mild blowout to stretch my locks a little would be a wonderful change to the usual hum drum of my protective styling regime. I've scoured the net and countless other blogs to see how the "other side" of the natural community lives and I've come to the following conclusions:

  •  Hair should be thoroughly washed, conditioned, deep conditioned, and detangled before attempting a blowout. (I was hoping I could do this the lazy way and just carry my last wash from 2 weeks ago over, but that's out)
  • Moisturize! Moisturize! Moisturize!
    • I know this is a given but it was highlighted in every single bit of advice that I saw, so I felt the need to reiterate.
  • Clips are your FRIEND!
    • Apparently, blow drying your hair once you're a natural doesn't quite entail the same ease as having processed hair...who knew? (lol)
  • A heat protectant is NECESSARY!
    • As a nappturalista who doesn't use heat at all, this is especially important to me. My virgin strands haven't seen heat in God only knows how long and I'm not about to reverse all my hard work by damaging this bountiful crown that the Good Lord blessed me with by skipping this step.
      • Now, I've looked high and low and I've seen several suggestions......everything from grape seed oil to products. and I have come to the conclusion that you should do what's right for YOU and YOUR HAIR! I, personally, intend to use a combination of Shea Butter and Jamaican Black Castor Oil. I feel rather confident that this should protect my hair from the heat. I also know that I'm not about to use a large amount of heat and I definitely will NOT be using a high temperature.
  • Blow-dryer type DOES matter.
    • As someone who doesn't use heat often, I don't actually own a blow-dryer and I am not about to go out and purchase one for something that I don't intend to do often......heck, I'm not sure if I'm going to do it again after this. So I will be using my mother's blow-dryer. She's a professional stylist (an amazing one at that!) and I'm confident in her tools.
  • If reversion is a fear, blow dry just a step above your desired look.
    • I live in a home with a wood stove and once it gets kicking, there's no way to dial back the heat. So, while I'm not looking to go pin straight, I will be stretching just beyond the point of what I truly desire. I'm going for a look that's soft and cotton-y just with a bit more volume and closer to my actual length......not the length that shrinkage allows.

Well, here goes nothing.......I'll let you all know how it turns out. If it's not an epic fail, I'll post a few pics as well. Hope this helps if you, too, are considering a blowout.

As always, be Happy. Be Nappy. Be a Nappturalista!


So, I may not be the blowout kind of girl. It was an EPIC FAIL! I'm too embarrassed to post pictures. Y'all, it was BAAAADDDDD!!!! My fear of heat was a definite influence on the outcome. In better news, I did manage to elongate my roots a bit and I settled with Bantu Knots instead. It was pretty cute.....and they held for a while. I had to take them out though.....It's getting cold here on the east coast and every time the wind blew my scalp would shudder. It's not used to having exposed parts.....smh.
Hopefully, if I inspired you to blowout, your experience netted MUCH better results.

Be Happy.
Be Nappy.
Be a FIERCE Nappturalista!

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